:: Version control system to use (here SVN command line client). set VCS_CMD="c:\Program Files\svn-win32-1.4.5\bin\svn" :: Change to the home directory of the scripts, here P:\projects\oracle-repos\ P: cd \projects\oracle-repos :: Underneath the script home directory sub-directories have been created :: for each schema that we want to backup. Here the DDL for the C$BCF_PRT1 :: schema on a local oracle instance. cd local_orcl sqlplus -s c$bcf_prt1/@orcl @..\oracle_dump_ddl.sql cd .. :: And here a directory for the DDL at a remote Linux development machine. cd linux-dev sqlplus -s c$bcf_prt1/@linux-dev @..\oracle_dump_ddl.sql cd .. :: Commit all changes to SVN (requires of course that you have put the :: extracted DDL files under version control via "svn add ..."). :: If nothing has changed since the last time DDL was extracted, nothing :: will be committed into SVN. %VCS_CMD% commit -m "Changes recorded on %DATE%."